Friday, October 19, 2012

LeBron to the LaKers?

So now, in 2012, during basketball offseason, the big story of the day was if Lebron James might play for the Lakers in 2014 when Kobe retires (it was so so painful for me to write those words). First of all, I love how what the Lakers might do in 2 years is the sports news of the day. Because everyone either loves or loves to hate the Lakers. I don't really care at all about this news. Don't think it will ever actually happen nor do I really want it to. I don't want to be forced to root for Lebron. Last year I just wanted the Heat to win to stop hearing so much about Lebron. So I guess I was rooting for Lebron and rooting against Lebron at the same time. Either way I'm hoping more that the Germans will invent some sort of body reconstructive surgery before 2014 so Kobe can keep playing forever.

Speaking of Kobe, I think I've watching this video about 13 times since yesterday and I laugh out loud every time:

I don't know how you don't love this guy, I mean I know there are some people with a stick up their ass that don't like Kobe because of what's happened with #1 GoldDigga Bryant but come on, this is pure gold. He's literally the reason I care anything about sports and I don't want to live in a world where these interviews aren't a part of my life (oh and the championship rings too).

Onto football...I think the reason it's taken me so long to post this week is that I'm still not ready to face the fact that the Patriots are 3-3 coming into Jets week. It happens every year, Patriots aren't playing their best, Jets are too dumb to realize how lame they really are and for just a few minutes that terrible, spoiled New England mindset pops in my head and makes me think how furious I'd be if, on Sunday, the Patriots genuinely lose to the Jets. I remember how it felt in 2010 playoffs and I never want to feel that way again. I think I'd rather lose another SuperBowl to the Giants before I'd lose even a preseason game to the Jets. But it is really hard to root against Tebow......

By the way, is this really the guy that we let beat us last week?

I'm sorry but really? Later in the interview he says the movie he watches the most is Hitch because he likes chick flicks. Really? Can we get Gronk to do some reality show where he mentors other football players, because this guy really needs it.

"That's like when you have a mansion and you're picking on some little crumbs in the corner."-Steve Young on Tom Brady

Look, I know Brady had a bad game. I'll admit it, he'll admit it, maybe even Gisele would admit it. But people polluting the minds of Americans everyone saying that Russell Wilson "walked down the field in 2:00 and beat Tom Brady" is just blasphemy. Does Tom Brady play DB (can he? cause we might need him--I know Bill loves versatility)? Oh and the Seahawks have 6'3" CBs and are the #1 ranked defense in the NFL. We don't even have a receiver at 6'3". And last I checked the Patriots defense was terrible. Let me check again....yep, still terrible.  They need to play better. Bill should play this to the DBs this week.

I've said this a gazillion times but how tough is Wes Welker? I swear I thought he might have died on the field Sunday and he pops right up and is in the next play. I don't know how he does it and if I had any money to give, I'd donate it to pay for his salary in a long term contract. Some guys may make pretty plays, but that guy makes the most incredible catches.

As negative as all the Patriots news has been, there are plenty of bright spots such as: Chandler Jones, Vince Wilfork, Rob Ninkovich, Brandon Spikes, Stevan Ridley, Danny Woodhead, Brandon Bolden, the offensive line, the aforementioned Wes Welker...

God, I've missed you:

A few notes from around the league:

I'm okay with the Giants being off to a hot start and everyone thinking they are the best team in the NFL. They always win when they get hot late and into the playoffs so I'm taking that as a good sign for any team that is not the New York Giants.

Did anyone else find it extremely douchey the way Aaron Rodgers "shhhhhh"-ed the critics the other night. Get over yourself, bro. We all saw you whining getting sacked 35 times against the Seahawks a few weeks ago. We all see you with that stupid white turtleneck when it gets just a little cold out. Maybe I'm just used to the Patriot Way of answering questions. What I like better about Brady than Rodgers is Brady would be thinking about the one pass he missed more than the 6 TDs.

This year is really a crazy year in the NFL. The Saints are 1-4, the Packers are struggling, Arizona, Miami, and Minnesota are winning games and all teams in the AFC East are 3-3. It's just weird yet kind of exciting.

Until next time bitches...

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