Thursday, October 25, 2012

"you sound like you're from lon-don"

It's London week for the Patriots and I'm feeling the need to say "Cheers!" to everyone I see this week. Except I do a really bad British accent so I will refrain.

Re: the Jets game and my analysis is half-assed because I watched the end of the 4Q and OT with a sweatshirt over my eyes and my knees tucked to my chest at Gillette but phew, thank god we won. I appreciated the genuine concern from other game attendees asking if I was okay after the game ended. You know what, I am not okay. This secondary is terrible and it's giving me early onset heart failure and a glass half empty outlook that I really don't like. I feel too bad for the front 7 on this team for working their asses off and being one of the top run defenses in the league. If they had even a mediocre secondary this team would be legitimately unstoppable.

Not that I'm enjoying any of these losses but when's the last time the Patriots had to battle so hard in the regular season? I mean let's go back to 2007, undefeated during the regular season then get one good pass rush and lose a game (the Super Bowl . 2008 doesn't count with Brady Quinn's backup. 2009 skate into the playoffs and lose Wes Welker in the most insignificant game probably ever played and have no backup plan. 2010 overthink the Jets and forget to take them seriously as an actual NFL team (can you blame them?). 2011 have a historically bad defense but the Year of Brady and the Gronk plus some key injuries and a lucky missed FG give them a ride to the SB. This year they have had to face a missed FG that would have won the game after playing terrible for 59 minutes, a guy playing on pure heart less than 24 hours after a family tragedy, Optimus Prime sized cornerbacks that they will never see again, and Tim Tebow. The thing I like about this season is they are getting challenged. They are being forced to learn how to adapt and how to finesse these game plans to win games down the road. And it's always the teams that finish hot going into the playoffs that make it far. Here's to hoping that's what 2013 has in store for these guys.

 I'm going to need all of these to get me through the season.

Alas, it could be worse. How long did I think it would take for this article to be published? Answer: less than a week and I was right. "Eva Longoria doesn't like losers and other obvious statements" Poor Suckchez. It's okay Eva, cry on Tebow's shoulder. He's a born winner.

How real is the Madden Curse though? That's why I rooted so hard against people voting for Gronk. The last thing we needed was to have to go to Dunkin Donuts every day (is that too much?) and have to punch those cardboard cutouts in the face. Megatron is still having a big season numbers-wise but where are all the TDs? I know a lot of it isn't his fault but still, just throw it up there and he'll catch it, right?

WELL LOOK HERE! Someone up in the heavens has sent me an early Christmas (actually Hanukkah) gift and David Stern is retiring!!!!! Let's celebrate!

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