Monday, October 1, 2012

my faith hill sunday night football impression is better than yours

Ugh what's a girl got to do to find a tall, tattooed man to watch Monday Night Football with in bed with a glass of wine?

Back to reality, Patriots gave the Bills a beat down yesterday and Lakers training camp opened today so that is good enough for me. I'm a sucker for highlights when I already know the outcome so it's a good week when I can watch SportsCenter and not hear about the dynasty collapsing. This week was an exciting one in the NFL and I only say that because the Patriots won.

I'm not buying Houston or Atlanta as anything more than a seat filler. The view is pretty good for a while but eventually you've gotta get up and get out of the way so the real guys can sit down. Thanks for warming our seat. Plus no one named Matt has ever won a SuperBowl. Fun to watch throughout the season but I just don't think either team has exactly what it takes. But if Arian Foster wants to break that 5 year contract and come on over to New England....everyone knows how I feel about tall, tattooed men.

I was going to save the good stuff till the end but I'm not Tebow so here's a few thoughts on the Jets. Anyone else think Santonio faked that injury and threw the ball to the 49ers so he wouldn't have to carry any of the blame for the declining SuperBowl champs of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012? Sure looked like it to me. I never root for injuries but I think the Revis injury is standard you don't know what you have until it's gone. The Jets are the boyfriend that breaks up with you and then 2 weeks later drunk dials you saying how much he misses you and wants you back. Jets didn't want to give him more money and I'm sure Revis has gotten a few drunk dials from Sexy Rexy already. Although maybe not since Antonio Cromartie is clearly the 2nd best CB in the NFL. PS: I had week 4 in the "Start Tebow!!!" pool and I'm expecting a check in the mail. Eva Longoria should also start thinking about ditching Sanchez for Tebow at this point.

Another thing...watching Monday Night Countdown and the all-knowing Keyshawn Johnson is rambling on about how the Jets have no names on offense and how you can't blame Sanchez for that. Well no, but that doesn't mean he isn't a shitty quarterback. Oh, I'm sorry, name me all the All-Pro's and first ballot Hall of Famers on the 2001 Patriots SuperBowl roster. Mark Sanchez sucks, do we all know that now? In this world there are Tom Brady's and Mark Sanchez'zzzz; I know which one I am. Keyshawn go back to hating on the Patriots while playing dreidel with a football for 12 hours a day.

I really couldn't get into hispanic heritage month without my babe Aaron Hernandez, as much as I tried. Sanchez really wasn't helping things, NFL. Hoping to hear some good news this week since it's now October 1 and he is supposed to be back "October at the earliest" but don't want any rushing back. The Patriots offense of the second half yesterday + a healthy Aaron would be scary in a good way.

Speaking of scary in a good way, how fun was it seeing this today?

I think Kobe might ask Metta to elbow some more guys to win the championship this year. The man is hungry and the only 2 people hungrier for a championship this year are Dwight Howard and Steve Nash (PS they are both in that picture). Don't mind if I do get a little excited about this Lakers team.

Really though my karaoke version of the Faith Hill Sunday Night Football theme is pretty legendary. Faith, don't quit your day job.....

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